How To Avoid Your Facebook Account Blocked, Banned and Jailed for 30 Days
Ok, Hi and welcome in this website, once again thank you visiting my blog, and I’m sure you’re the one who want to learn about Facebook marketing, online marketing.

Anyway, there are lot of facebook restriction today in Facebook due to some abusive Facebook user who are…
1. Posting nudes photos in any group
2. Spamming to different groups and their friends
3. Sending succeeding messages to different Facebook account
4. Posting on friends timeline without asking permissions
5. Sending more than 20 friends request to people you do not know
6. Sending request more than 20 Facebook group per day
7. Tagging person you don’t know well
8. etc…
Ok before we are going to proceed to the main reason why most people are blocked, banned, jailed from Facebook, block from posting to different group for 15 days or 1 week, block from chat conversation to your friends for 30 days, block from wall-post for 15 days block from any conversation.
if you are now practicing Online Marketing or Facebook Marketing there’s
lot of things you need to fill in before using all the features of Facebook.
1. First you have to complete you personal information. Note this is very important to set-up first your Facebook account link first - example: Date you were born or your birthday
b.) Contact – Phone Verification Important
c.) Basic Info – Details About You
c.) Places You’ve Lived
d.) Education – School you’ve Graduated
e.) Kinds of Works, when you started from working
f.) Family and Relationships
g.) Hobbies/Book Have you Read
i.) Life Events
Once you complete your profile to 100% you may now use Facebook features and the good things is you may not experienced to much restriction
if your facebook account is well updated in each details and
information just like what you have seen now on my Facebook
Never Ignore:
If you get
blocked temporarily for any reason then don’t do the same mistake again
otherwise this time they may increase the block time or even they may
permanently blocked your account. When someone gets blocked for the first time
they will noticed that they have been punished, while that is just a little
warning from them so you don’t do such mistakes again in the future. If you
continue doing such mistake then there is no excuse for that but to be permanently blocked
from the Facebook System.
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this to everybody who would benefit it. I would
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you to received update about this very effective tools. I’ll be glad
to share my opinions, strategies and techniques to help you
in some ways. Good Luck!
Your Friend in Success,
Richard John Flores
P.S. Share your thought post your comment below if it helps you a lot, don’t be selfish you can share this to your friends for you to help them to avoid from banned, jailed and blocked…
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